Todd runs MIKAMAI UK, a social media studio building the Facebook applications and Facebook Connect web sites that are making media more social.
As a chairman of Facebook Developer Garage London, he finds speakers and organises the monthly meetings. His personal goal for FDGL is to be a part of a community where the exchange of ideas and social media best practices are warmly embraced.
Follow him @ and you can e-mail .
- Developing a Facebook Timeline application
- f8 2011 predictions
- Introduction and Facebook product updates - 16/02/2011
- Introduction and Facebook product updates - 17/03/2011
- Introduction and Facebook product updates - 19/01/2011
- Introduction and Facebook updates - 16/02/2012
- Introduction and Facebook updates - 18/01/2012
- Introduction and Facebook updates - 19/10/2011
- Introduction and Facebook updates - 20/04/2011
- Introduction and Facebook updates - 20/07/2011
Event(s) hosted:
- Social Developers London November 2012
- Facebook Developers London October 2012
- Facebook Developer Garage London March 2012
- Facebook Developer Garage London February 2012
- Facebook Developer Garage London January 2012
- Facebook Developer Garage London November 2011
- Facebook Developer Garage London October 2011
- Facebook Developer Garage London f8 2011 special
- Facebook Developer Garage London July 2011
- Facebook Developer Garage London June 2011
- Facebook Developer Garage London April 2011
- Facebook Developer Garage London March 2011
- Facebook Developer Garage London February 2011
- Facebook Developer Garage London January 2011
Facebook profile
Twitter account
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