Facebook Developer Garage London February 2011

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011 - 6:30pm - 9:30pm

We're pleased to announce our next event, taking place on Wednesday 16th February, at our regular TechHub venue (right by Old Street station). Confirmed speakers so far include HTML5 expert Rob Hawkes talking about the canvas and animation, FDGL committee members Tom Gallagher from Logicode on using the Places API (with Ruby in particular), John Cole from Adknowledge on Facebook Credits policy and how it affects developers, and Simon Cross who spoke for us in August on the BBC iPlayer's Facebook integration, but now having been working for Facebook themselves for six months has agreed to talk about the Places API, Operation 'Developer Love', and take general questions from the floor for as long as we can allow.

We'll also have as usual Iskandar Najmuddin, Technical Director at Syncapse (formerly Nudge) briefing us on the latest platform updates, Dave Nattriss, freelance developer and FDGL secretary and webmaster, running down what's hot on Facebook, and an introduction with Facebook product updates from Todd Chaffee, the chairman of the FDGL committee.

The last few month's events each sold out within days, so be quick. We'll have beer, pizza, possibly some Facebook swag, and will go for after-drinks in nearby bar C.A.M.P.

Tickets are available at http://fdglfebruary2011.eventbrite.com - you must buy in advance to guarantee entry on the night. Earlybird tickets are available until Friday before the event subject to quantity.

As always we are grateful for the sponsorship of our events - thanks to our regular sponsors Logicode, Gamaroff Digital, Adknowledge, Conversocial, Joyent and Syncapse, and our media partner Newspepper.

Audience capacity: 
150 people


76-80 City Road
London City of
Postal Code:
United Kingdom

TechHub is a new and exciting space in London for tech companies not just based nearby, but entrepreneurs and others in the tech industry from across the UK, Europe, the US and beyond.

It's a community space reflecting the vibrancy and global outlook of the technology scene.

TechHub is affordable and accessible, with a great environment to bring together the right people in one place - the people who really do want to change the world through their businesses. We're right on 'Silicon Roundabout' in the Old Street area of London where there is an existing cluster of tech start-ups.


Todd Chaffee

Todd Chaffee

Todd runs MIKAMAI UK, a social media studio building the Facebook applications and Facebook Connect web sites that are making media more social.

As a chairman of Facebook Developer Garage London, he finds speakers and organises the monthly meetings. His personal goal for FDGL is to be a part of a community where the exchange of ideas and social media best practices are warmly embraced.

Follow him @ and you can e-mail .

Gamaroff Digital

Gameroff Digital logo

Gamaroff Digital is a growing social media and digital agency located in Camden, London. We have been acknowledged by Facebook in their Preferred Developer Consultant Program so are perfectly placed to deliver cutting edge projects for our clients. We develop and produce cutting edge social media and viral marketing campaigns for the biggest brands such as Vodafone, Guinness, Lucozade, Cadburys, Sprite, Carlsberg and more.


Logicode logo

Our experienced team specialises in delivering creative marketing campaigns for Social Media, Mobile and the Web.


Adknowledge logo

AdknowledgeInc is a US based ad-targeting specialist. After acquiring Super Rewards in June 2009, Adknowledge has become one of the largest monetisation platforms for Social Apps & MMOG’s in the world, serving over 15BN display ads a month, generating more than $150m a year for Social publishers worldwide.


Conversocial logo

Conversocial is a SaaS company that helps businesses manage the increasing volume of two-way communication going through social platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Through in-depth engagement analytics and comprehensive comment management tools, Conversocial enables effective marketing distribution, moderation and customer support.


Joyent logo

Joyent has teamed up with Facebook to offer Facebook Developers a limited number of free accounts on the Joyent cloud with one (1) year of free hosting! Now you can focus on creating the next killer app instead of dealing with infrastructure and scalability issues. Just code your app and deploy. It’s that easy!


Syncapse logo

Syncapse is a full-service technology partner. We help companies build, manage and measure customer relationships through the use of cutting-edge social media technology. Syncapse recently acquired London-based Nudge Social Media.


Newspepper logo

Video services at our events are provided by Newspepper.com. Newspepper is a global platform for students and graduates in media to get work experience, ensuring our clients receive high quality, low cost media services.

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