Facebook Developer Garage London

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Facebook Developer Garage London June 2011

6 days 8 hours ago

We're pleased to announce our next regular event, taking place on Wednesday 15th June, at our regular venue in the Freemasons' Hall (close to Holborn, Covent Garden, Tottenham Court Road and Temple stations).

Confirmed speakers so far are Markus Kobler from distinctiveedge explaining how to get ahead with HTML5 on mobile devices, and Wasim Juned from Abraxor talking about integrating Facebook on iOS.

As usual there will be Iskandar Najmuddin, Technical Director at Syncapse (formerly Nudge) briefing us on the latest platform updates, Dave Nattriss, freelance developer and FDGL secretary and webmaster, running down what's hot on Facebook, and an introduction with Facebook product updates from Todd Chaffee, FDGL's chairman.

Our events sell out each time within days, so be quick to buy your ticket(s). We'll have beer, wine, juice and pizza, possibly some Facebook swag, and will go for after-drinks in a nearby pub/bar.

Tickets are available here - you must buy in advance to guarantee entry on the night. Earlybird tickets are available until Friday before the event, subject to quota.

As always we are grateful for the sponsorship of our events - thanks to our regular sponsors Facebook, Accel Partners, Gamaroff Digital, Adknowledge, Syncapse, Conversocial, Logicode and Joyent, and our media partner Newspepper. If your organisation is interested in sponsoring us, please e-mail for more information.

Audience capacity: 
220 people
Freemasons' Hall
Todd Chaffee

Facebook Developer Garage London May 2011

4 weeks 6 days ago

We're pleased to announce our next regular event, taking place on Wednesday 18th May, at our regular venue in the Freemasons' Hall (close to Holborn, Covent Garden, Tottenham Court Road and Temple stations).

This month's theme is measurement and analytics, and we have talks from David Kramaley from Sharkius Games giving their experiences with Facebook Insights and comparing to their own internal analytics, Heather Stark from Kinran talking about 'understanding your elephant', Aaron Huang from Kontagent on the 'seven deadly social game metrics', Pierre Santamaria from Weka Entertainment on big games versus big data, and Simon Cross who is Platform Partner Engineer for Facebook outside of north America, will discuss their tools for measuring success, and if there's time also run a Q&A session for all Platform related queries you may have.

As usual there will be Iskandar Najmuddin, Technical Director at Syncapse (formerly Nudge) briefing us on the latest platform updates, Dave Nattriss, freelance developer and FDGL secretary and webmaster, running down what's hot on Facebook, and an introduction with Facebook product updates from Geoff Hughes, FDGL's treasurer (stepping in for Todd for this month only).

Our events sell out each time within days, so be quick to buy your ticket(s). We'll have beer, wine, juice and pizza, possibly some Facebook swag, and will go for after-drinks in a nearby pub/bar.

Tickets are available at http://fdglmay2011-websiteeventdescription.eventbrite.com - you must buy in advance to guarantee entry on the night. Earlybird tickets are available until Friday before the event, subject to quota.

As always we are grateful for the sponsorship of our events - thanks to our regular sponsors Facebook, Accel Partners, Gamaroff Digital, IC tomorrow, Adknowledge, Syncapse, Conversocial, Logicode and Joyent, and our media partner Newspepper. If your organisation is interested in sponsoring us, please e-mail for more information.

Audience capacity: 
220 people
Freemasons' Hall
Video report: 
Geoff Hughes

Facebook Developer Garage London April 2011

8 weeks 6 days ago

We're pleased to announce our next regular event, taking place on Wednesday 20th April, at our new venue in the Freemasons' Hall (close to Holborn, Covent Garden, Tottenham Court Road and Temple stations).

The theme this month will be games, and confirmed speakers are Dan Borthwick from Playfish (Electronic Arts) sharing their experiences of scaling, Andy Rogers from Enteraction on 'productising' the social gaming space, Myles Noton from Miniclip on using Facebook APIs, Bart Barden from PopCap talking about using social analytic hooks to attract golden gamers, and Richard Sedley from Loopstatic on the problems with gamification.

We'll also have as usual Iskandar Najmuddin, Technical Director at Syncapse (formerly Nudge) briefing us on the latest platform updates, Dave Nattriss, freelance developer and FDGL secretary and webmaster, running down what's hot on Facebook, and an introduction with Facebook product updates from Todd Chaffee, the chairman of the FDGL committee.

Our events sell out each time within days, so be quick to buy your ticket(s). We'll have beer, wine, juice and pizza, possibly some Facebook swag, and will go for after-drinks in a nearby pub/bar.

Tickets are available at http://fdglapril2011-websiteeventdescription.eventbrite.com - you must buy in advance to guarantee entry on the night. Earlybird tickets are available until Friday before the event, subject to quota.

As always we are grateful for the sponsorship of our events - thanks to our regular sponsors Facebook, Gamaroff Digital, Adknowledge, Conversocial, Joyent, Logicode and Syncapse, new sponsor Accel Partners, and our media partner Newspepper. If your organisation is interested in sponsoring us, please e-mail for more information.

Audience capacity: 
220 people
Freemasons' Hall
Video report: 
Todd Chaffee

FDGL discussed in New Media Age's Gadfly gossip/events column

We made it into New Media Age's gossip/events column Gadfly in last week's (24/03/2011) issue:

New Media Age - 24/03/2011 - GadflyNew Media Age - 24/03/2011 - Gadfly

Facebook Developer Garage London March 2011

13 weeks 5 days ago

We're pleased to announce our next regular event, taking place on Thursday 17th March (not our usual third Wednesday of the month), at our new venue in the Freemasons' Hall (close to Holborn, Covent Garden, Tottenham Court Road and Temple stations).

The theme this month will be mobile, and confirmed speakers so far include Fabio Bertone from Reply on Facebook coding for Android and iOS, Ronan Shields from New Media Age magazine with some high level analysis of the mobile industry, Tim Ocock from Steely Eye Media talking about the network within social networking, FDGL committee member Tom Gallagher from Logicode on HTML5, and Matthew Johnston and Alex Couturon from Facebook talking about how they deal with Platform bug reports and questions on the developer forums.

We'll also have as usual Iskandar Najmuddin, Technical Director at Syncapse (formerly Nudge) briefing us on the latest platform updates, Dave Nattriss, freelance developer and FDGL secretary and webmaster, running down what's hot on Facebook, and an introduction with Facebook product updates from Todd Chaffee, the chairman of the FDGL committee.

The last few month's events each sold out within days, so be quick. We'll have beer, pizza, possibly some Facebook swag, and will go for after-drinks in a nearby pub/bar.

Tickets are available at http://fdglmarch2011.eventbrite.com - you must buy in advance to guarantee entry on the night. Earlybird tickets are available until Friday before the event subject to quantity.

As always we are grateful for the sponsorship of our events - thanks to our regular sponsors Facebook, Gamaroff Digital, Adknowledge, Conversocial, Joyent, Logicode and Syncapse, and our media partner Newspepper.

Audience capacity: 
220 people
Freemasons' Hall
Video report: 
Todd Chaffee

Facebook Developer Garage London February 2011

17 weeks 6 days ago

We're pleased to announce our next event, taking place on Wednesday 16th February, at our regular TechHub venue (right by Old Street station). Confirmed speakers so far include HTML5 expert Rob Hawkes talking about the canvas and animation, FDGL committee members Tom Gallagher from Logicode on using the Places API (with Ruby in particular), John Cole from Adknowledge on Facebook Credits policy and how it affects developers, and Simon Cross who spoke for us in August on the BBC iPlayer's Facebook integration, but now having been working for Facebook themselves for six months has agreed to talk about the Places API, Operation 'Developer Love', and take general questions from the floor for as long as we can allow.

We'll also have as usual Iskandar Najmuddin, Technical Director at Syncapse (formerly Nudge) briefing us on the latest platform updates, Dave Nattriss, freelance developer and FDGL secretary and webmaster, running down what's hot on Facebook, and an introduction with Facebook product updates from Todd Chaffee, the chairman of the FDGL committee.

The last few month's events each sold out within days, so be quick. We'll have beer, pizza, possibly some Facebook swag, and will go for after-drinks in nearby bar C.A.M.P.

Tickets are available at http://fdglfebruary2011.eventbrite.com - you must buy in advance to guarantee entry on the night. Earlybird tickets are available until Friday before the event subject to quantity.

As always we are grateful for the sponsorship of our events - thanks to our regular sponsors Logicode, Gamaroff Digital, Adknowledge, Conversocial, Joyent and Syncapse, and our media partner Newspepper.

Audience capacity: 
150 people
Video report: 
Todd Chaffee

Facebook Developer Garage London January 2011

21 weeks 6 days ago

We're pleased to announce that we have rescheduled our November event to take place on Wednesday 19th January, at our regular TechHub venue (right by Old Street station) - previously purchased tickets are still valid. Tickets are available at http://fdgljanuary2011.eventbrite.com - you must buy in advance to guarantee entry on the night. A limited amount of earlybird tickets are available until Friday 14th.

The theme as before will be the media, and confirmed speakers include Cathy Ma from IPC Media (Marie Claire, NME and Wallpaper magazines) talking about using the Open Graph for publishers, Tom McDonnell from Monterosa the company that has been contracted by ITV and Channel 4 for various projects, talking about their use of Facebook and Channel 4's Million Pound Drop show, Jack Riley from The Independent newspaper talking about how they've integrated their website with Facebook, Hermione Way from Newspepper about utilising video online, and Marc Delurgio from Kyte talking about their streaming video platform.

We'll also have as usual Iskandar Najmuddin, Technical Director at Syncapse (formerly Nudge) briefing us on the latest platform updates, Dave Nattriss, a freelance developer and FDGL secretary and webmaster, running down what's hot on Facebook, and an introduction from Todd Chaffee, the new chairman of the FDGL committee.

The last few month's events each sold out within days, so be quick. We'll have beer, pizza, some Facebook T-shirts, and will go for after-drinks in a local bar TBA.

As always we are grateful for the sponsorship of our events - thanks to our regular sponsors Facebook, Intel, Logicode, Adknowledge, Conversocial, Joyent and Syncapse, and our media partner Newspepper. If your organisation is interested in sponsoring us, please e-mail for more information.

Audience capacity: 
150 people
Video report: 
Todd Chaffee

Tonight's Facebook Developer Garage – The Future [Feb 2010]

The Facebook Developer Garage is happening tonight from 6pm.

fbExchange.Net - a new site for Facebook development answers

With Daniel Schaffer (author of the .Net Facebook API Client) I’ve put together a Stack Overflow-type website for Facebook developer help called fbExchange.Net. It’s intended to build as a knowledge base and to be focussed more on tech than the official discussion format.

Facebook Garage at the Social Media World Forum

The Social Media World Forum is now firmly established as Europe's leading social media event.
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