Cat Burton from Mind Candy discusses cyberpet widgets, the Moshi widget at January Garage

Chris Thorpe at January Garage

Next Garage - 21st January!

After what feels like a long break, we’re back for the first Facebook Developer Garage of the New Year on 21st Jan. We’ve got a jam-packed garage, with reports on the latest happenings on the Facebook and MySpace application platforms, Andy McLoughlin from Huddle talking about how they got selected to be a LinkedIn platform launch partner and their experience with LinkedIn compared to Facebook, Cat from Moshi Monsters talking about their experiences with Facebook, Santosh from Twitblogs sharing their experience of launching an Open Social container, and more - as well as free beer, pizza and networking sessions.

To let everyone get settled in to the New Year, our first garage is on Wednesday 21st - from next month they’ll be back to the second Wednesday of the month, as usual. If you want to get involved with the garage, help out, or speak about what you’ve been upto on the the social network platforms email me on

Sign up for the event on Facebook 

And buy your tickets here

BBC ‘The Box’ Flash Game Competition Now OPEN!

The Facebook Developer Garage London is helping the BBC to find a fun flash game as part of their ‘The Box’ project, tracking a BBC branded shipping container as it travels around the world, transporting goods by sea, road and rail, to educate about globalisation. They’re looking for an enjoyable (and potentially educational) game which is related to the box project in some way. Any individual can submit a game they’ve created, with the final winning game available for the public to play on - and if you turn the game into a social network application, will link to this as well. Although the BBC isn’t allowed to actively promote developers it will place your name alongside the winning game on the site to acknowledge your efforts - a great showcase for your work. You’ll also have the chance to come into BBC headquarters to spend a day with the digital team and be interviewed for the site.

Jeremy Hillman, the BBC Business Editor, came to the November garage to tell us about the project - see the video below. To enter, simply email a link to your game to , along with your contact details. The entry MUST be from a named individual and not from a company or commercial organisation, and you must own the complete copyright to the game. We’ll be accepting entries until Friday 19th December. The top game will be selected from the entries by a judging board made up of Facebook Garage committee members, school children and other independent experts - the final winner will be announced on The Box website and at the Facebook Developer Garage on January 21st 2009, with the winning game continuing to be featured on the site for the duration of the project. 

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Todd Fast, CTO of Zembly at the October Garage

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Lookery video: “The Facebook Platform is Dead”

This video presentation from Scott Rafer of Lookery makes the argument that the Facebook Platform is dead and that Connect is the next big thing, but only for the short term. Lookery is quite a high volume application advertising platform, as well as off Facebook, so has access to a lot of traffic data and can’t be dismissed out-of-hand.

View Scott Rafer’s presentation

The October London Facebook Developer’s Garage

Karl Bunyan from Social Cash tells us more about using Facebook Connect

Iskandar Najmuddin from Nudge with the latest developments on the Facebook platform

Micheal Jackson App - Phil Clandillon and Steve Milbourne from Sony BMG