Facebook Developer Garage London – February 2010

Last week we had the first Facebook Developer Garage of 2010. We looked into the future and the year ahead in areas such as monetisation, mobile, open source and other interesting and relevant topics to developing for the Facebook platform.

If you missed it, check out the videos below

Iskandar Najmuddin – “What‟s New?”

Adam Graham – “The future of social media”

Karl Bunyan – “Indie Game Developers and the Facebook of Doom”

John Cole – “Monetisation Overview from AdKnowledge”

Geoff Hughes – “Engagement is the key!”


Scott MacVicar – “Open Source tools at Facebook”

Tonight’s Facebook Developer Garage – The Future [Feb 2010]

The Facebook Developer Garage is happening tonight from 6pm. Note that there’s a change of venue from previous events as tonight we’ll be at City University in Islington:

City University London
Oliver Thomson Lecture Theatre
Northampton Square
EC1V 0HB London
United Kingdom

You can find it on and on the City University Website

Expect the very latest from the Facebook developer scene and, more importantly, a close look at the year ahead and possible developments in areas such as brands, monetization, mobile, etc.


1. Iskandar Najmuddin from Nudge discussing the latest technical updates and changes, as well predictions for the platform.

2. Scott MacVicar, Open Source Developer Advocate from Facebook.

3. Dave Nattriss from PHP London.

4. Karl Bunyan from Social Cash giving an overview on the year ahead for indie game developers.

5. Geoff Hughes from Social Media Guy talking about effective advertising in 2010.

6. John Cole from AdKnowledge on the future for monetisation in the social networks.

7. Andy J Scott from Rummble speaking about social networks in mobile for the year ahead.

8. Adam Graham from Saint London on the future of brands in Facebook and social media.

We’ll also have the usual catch up from host Joshua March.

Gold sponsors:

City University – http://city.ac.uk/
Adknowledge – http://adknowledge.com

Silver sponsors:

Nudge – http://nudgelondon.com/blog
iPlatform – http://theiplatform.com
Logicode – http://logicode.co.uk

and of course Facebook!

Be sure to join the to be kept up to date and get notified of the next event too:

fbExchange.Net – a new site for Facebook development answers

With Daniel Schaffer (author of the .Net Facebook API Client) I’ve put together a Stack Overflow-type website for Facebook developer help called fbExchange.Net. It’s intended to build as a knowledge base and to be focussed more on tech than the official discussion format. (So hopefully the forum will be the place for “Is the Platform down?” or “What do you think of the new design?” type questions, and fbExchange.Net can be the site for “How do I…?” questions.)

For anyone who’s not familiar with the Stack Exchange model, you gain reputation by asking (good) questions, and answering them such that other people vote for your answers. For freelance developers and consultants having a high reputation can even help to bring work in. While the site’s in an early stage (“bootstrap mode”) it’s easier to gain points too, so there’s some benefit in getting in there now (hint, hint).

It’s intended to be dev-centred, but there’s no reason why it can’t cover most of the practicalities of “how do I set up a Facebook Page” etc, so feel free to create questions you know the answer to and even answer them yourself. The great thing about the system is that since it’s community moderated, and questions are tagged rather than put into categories, then the definition of “what can I ask?” is fairly broad.

Facebook Garage at the Social Media World Forum

The Social Media World Forum is now firmly established as Europe’s leading social media event. With 5 supporting conference streams, over 300 speakers, free to attend workshops and exhibitions, the show is a must attend on the social media calendar.

The show covers the latest development with leading social networks, brand engagement using social media, monitoring social media campaigns, branding building using social media, b2b social networks, social media & pr, virtual currencies, gaming, applications and many more.

A team from the Facebook Developer Garage will be at the forum to present workshops on successful Facebook campaigns and to handle delegate queries related to the Facebook platform. This will be led by Toby Beresford from Nudge Social Media

More info to follow!


15th – Open from 9am – close 6pm
16th – Open from 9am – close 6pm



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